Note- Rember Product clusters where general compariisons connect to product reviews

  1. Product Review– Need to show positive and negative
    1. Show the reader they at a right place
      1. Internally link back to the general compariisons

Ex- Diono radian 3xt Review

               With its slim size and high safety rating its become most popul. In fact we classedfied it as one of out best car seats for 3 year olds(Link to general comparison)

But its not all glits and gla. Its heavy and scored low on tests fors blah bla….we will share the results of our research

(Body of content) Create a standard for the product what customers care

Ex for car seats -Safety, size, comfort, specs, protabilit, ease of installation

(conclusion) The diona radiant is the solid choise for all oir tests and give a good poitnt.

  • Branded comparison (Customer at this point has narrowed the product hey want and need a side by side comparisonSame like review but a coamaprison maybe side by side sexyConclusion – jut wrap things up short n sweet

Note- Connect the backlink to individual reviews of product and to general comparison for seats to complete the cluster

  1. Non commercial blogs – Informational
    1. Listicles –
      1. title
        1. Ways to —- desired outcome
        1. Topic—— tips ===== benefit or desire
        1. Topic—– techniques —-benefit or desire
      1. introdution
        1. Make it short n interesting since people are for list points

Nte – Include table of contents as a jump list for viewers to use (add from plugin wordpress)

  • For each h2 heading have a mini template to use for everything to keep consistent
    • Ex-if its for weight lost tips then
      • Why your tips helps – one line
        • How it works and cite research
        • How to make into action – 2 line
      • Conclusion
        • Not a lotpeopl woll come here but summarize a key takeway, recommend additional content
        • Uset internal links
      • Stepp- by step guide
        • Title –
          • How yo (achieve desired outcome) (xx steps)
        • Intro – PSP Problem – solution – proof
        • Main content – step by step sequence (h2s)
          • Step1 – Map out ddsd0
          • Step2 – fdfdf
          • —-keep short n lesss steps
        • Conclusion
      • Expanded definition post title – high level overview of topic
        • Title-
          • What is/are (content)? Everything you need to know
          • What is/are(acronym)? (Expanded acronym) explained
          • What is/are (concept) ? a (bried/quick/detailed) introduction
        • Intro
          • Keep it short and simple by defining your concept or acronym
        • Main content – come up with an outline of the most important points
        • Conclusion – add internal links
    • Link building for affiliate sites
      • Proven tactics – Guest posting

GOOGLE SEARCH Console also activate google analytc plugin

Rank math


Maximize $$ from Affiliate marketing –

  1. Find Best affiliate offers
    1. Software/Digital products
      1. (Higher commissions)
    1. Potential of recurring payments with digital products
    1. Company should be trustworthy.
    1. People should actually need it !!
    1. Long cookie duration
    1. Product is highly searched for
  2. Profitable targeted clicks
    1. Find the most searched segments of the industry that people look online. Go with the trend
  3. Consistent flow of traffic
    1. Focus on websites and YouTube

Pinterest for affiliate marketing

  • Over 76% users are women.
  • Find a niche – Basically visually appealing pictures is what matters
  • Look for affilitate programs for your niche – then also try
  • Make sure they don’t see the name or other specs for the products else they can just google it. Make it eye catching and force them to click

How I would learn Digital Marketing

  1. Email marketing
  2. Pay per click advertising
  3. Search engine optimization
  4. Social media marketing
  5. Etcc (find more options)

Decide on 1 and then learn as much as possible in 3 stages,

  1. Understand the fundamentals, eg if you choose SEO
    1. Why and hoe SEO is important
    1. How search engines work
    1. How SEO is done
      1. Keyword research
      1. Link building
      1. Technical seo
      1. On-page SEO and more
  2. Connect fundamentals together
    1. Example – Content is connected to keyword research and on-page SEO
  3. Learn how to execute the SEO
    1. Example – for doing keyword search you can use ‘keyword explorer’

Learning AI and optimizing it